
Expertise Alliant

We offer comprehensive expertise and support for hospitals with standardized services, or customized to meet their unique needs.

Inventory of Key Products & Services

  • Alliant’s full management is an “all-inclusive” engagement whereby Hospital would have access to the full complement of Alliant services. However, we’re very flexible! If full management is not the best solution, Alliant offers various levels of support consisting of any of the following services…
  • Develop a strategic analysis that addresses strategic opportunities within the Hospital’s primary service area. A process is established to identify the Hospital’s markets, assess physician & consumer perceptions, & measure the hospital capabilities to increase market share, census, & financial contribution of services rendered. This will include the completion of the Community Health Needs Assessment (if applicable). All strategies are focused on improved access to healthcare services for the community served.
  • Enhance the delivery of patient care services by analyzing current service lines while also exploring opportunities to implement new services.
  • Assistance with general ledger accounting oversight.
  • Assistance with budget preparation & review.
  • Labor productivity analysis & development of daily monitoring tool.
  • Provide timely filing of required governmental financial reports & the annual cost report, including telephone & onsite follow up as needed.
  • Business office policies & procedures review.
  • Medicare DSH eligibility/optimization review (if applicable).
  • Support & oversight of the “Alliant Revenue Cycle Dashboard.”
  • Pricing transparency strategies for compliance.
  • Routine monthly analysis of financial performance & quarterly Monthly Operations Review (MOR) with Hospital leadership.
  • Assistance with analysis of lease/purchase options for capital expenditures.
  • CMS updates & assessment of the impact of any changes.
  • Rural Health Clinic(s) mock survey & survey of any new clinic(s) that are opened.
  • Emergency Department charge levels review & recommendations with action plans.
  • Assistance with review of nursing policies & procedures.
  • Quality, regulatory & best practice consulting as needed to include a mock regulatory survey.
  • Best practice education of swing beds optimization.
  • Participation by hospital staff in regular CNO calls.
  • Participation in the “Alliant Quality Benchmark”/action plan calls.
  • Administer an employee engagement survey to measure the engagement of Hospital employees on various aspects of the work environment.
  • Review Hospital service contracts with the budget process to identify possible cost savings.
  • Review lease arrangements at the request of the Hospital & provide a business reasonableness opinion.
  • Provide fair market value analysis of Provider compensation arrangements at the request of the Hospital.
  • Provide a comprehensive professional development series of educational programs designed to enhance knowledge, confidence, and competency. 
  • Provide a Governance & Leadership retreat, which is available to all board members of the Hospital & the leadership team.
  • The Hospital will have access to peer group calls for specific roles in the Hospital to include, but not limited to:
    • Chief Executive Officer
    • Chief Financial Officer
    • Chief Nursing Officer
    • Human Resources Officer
    • Chief Quality/Regulatory Officer
  • Provide support for CEO & CFO services on an interim basis if needed. 
  • At the request of the Hospital, assist with succession planning for key executive & department leaders.
  • Executive management will be available to all C–Suite leadership & the Board of Trustees for input & advise on any issues that may arise with Hospital operations.
  • Present a quarterly status report to the Board of Trustees.
  • Full access to Alliant Purchasing Premier GPO discounts.
  • Access to discounts with Alliant preferred partners.
  • Attend monthly TPA call 
  • Host monthly meeting (industry updates, best practices, etc.) 
  • ESP submission support (as needed).
  • Develop insurance payer matrix.
  • Managed care contract review & for new contracts, provide recommendations to negotiate or accept contract terms.
  • Provider compensation structure and design.
  • Provider compensation “Guardrails” for compliance and consistency.
  • Provider productivity (vs. benchmarks and alignment with compensation).
  • Analysis of “Access” including scheduling processes and control of schedules and best practices to improve in this key area of medical group success.
  • “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit” (“AWV”) program opportunities.
  • Rural Health Clinic (“RHC”) or Federally Qualified Health Center (“FQHC”) expansion/conversion.
  • Evaluation of current management structure and best practices for growth.
  • Staffing (provider and ancillary staff) against benchmarks and key performance indicators for each specialty.
  • Revenue Cycle performance for physician enterprise.
  • Development of Dashboards (leadership, practice, and provider-level).
  • Development and use of Key Performance Indicators (“KPI”) for practices.
  • Develop CAH pricing strategy “Reimbursement cost-to-charge ratio optimization.”
  • Biennial chargemaster study.
  • Provide results of the annual salary survey to the Hospital.
  • Consultation & review for HR issues, policies, & procedures as requested by the Hospital.
  • IT cybersecurity audit at request.
  • Upon request by the Hospital, Alliant can provide certain professional services in the area of interim executive officer services i.e., CEO, CFO, etc. and related activities for the Hospital on additional agreed upon terms and conditions.